By: Naeem B.

  King snakes in general live across the southern continental United States across the deserts of Arizona to Mexico. Their size ranges from 80-170 centimeters. They might be striped, speckled or banded. They are black and yellow and they
eat the most in the fall. The king snake will become dormant in winter, but it will still shed its skin. He or she must stay near water. Some give birth to live young, but most don't. The king snakes have broils instead of eyelids, this keeps the dust, dirt, and sand out of their eyes. This also gives them glossy eyes or a dazed look.


  The Florida king snake lives in cypress ponds, in savannah pine lands, and prairies. The Florida king snake is an enemy of the rattlesnake and called rattlesnake pilo.

Range : Throughout the Sonoran Mojave and Chihuahan deserts south into Baja and Mexico.

Habitat : The common King snake is found in a wide variety of habitats forests woodlands marshes grasslands and chaparral or desert environments. It is often found near rocky outcrops and clumps of vegetation as well as under rocks logs and debris from sea level to 7000 feet.