Biome Lesson Plan
Biomes:  1) Tundra 
              2) Grasslands 
              3) Desert 
              4) Tropical Rainforest 
              5) Taiga 
    Before the project begins, you must break the class into groups of
4 - 6 students, assigning each a biome from above. One suggestion might be to pick names out of a hat so students are assigned a random biome. Our class does much group work and students are permitted to choose their own group with the condition that they must work with someone they haven't worked with before, if possible. Each biome group must then break themselves into two sub-groups, a plant group and an animal group.
    Students must understand what is expected of them, so they are provided with a rubric (see "Biome Project, Student Rubric" below) and, once groups are established, the rubric is reviewed with them.
    Each biome group will complete a research project.  Each group will research different aspects of a biome including plants, animals, climate, location and other interesting facts that are discovered.  The final product for each group will be two posters that depict the biome. One poster will be completed by the plant sub-group and one will be completed by the animal sub-group.  Each poster will concentrate on the plants or animals only and their adaptations to the biome. All groups will present their collected information in the form of posters and summaries and contribute to a web site produced by the class.
Poster Requirements

    Animal posters must include a minimum of 2 mammals, 2 birds, 2 reptiles, 2 amphibians, 2 fish, 2 insects and at least one scene of decomposition. Animals should be numbered so a "Key" can be attached to the poster for easy identification.

    Plant posters must include a minimum of 12 different plant species and at least one scene of decomposition. Plants should be numbered so a "Key" can be attached to the poster for easy identification.

    A typed "Climate" summary and "Description" summary must be attached to posters.  Groups must decide which sub-group will complete each and one poster will have the "Climate" summary and one will have the "Description" summary.  A written draft for both must be turned in prior to typing.  Additionally, each poster will have a color-coded map with the biome specified.  A map is provided for students to complete.

    Each poster should have a title and vinyl peel-and-stick letters are provided. Additinally, the names of all sub-group members should be written on the posters.

    Students must turn in a "Poster Plan" before any poster board is distributed.  This will help the students with the general lay out of the poster and is helpful with time management of the project.

Biome Project
Student Rubric

    Each biome group will complete a research project.  Each group will research different aspects of a biome including plants, animals climate, location and other interesting facts that are discovered.  The final product for each group will be two posters that depict the biome. One poster will be completed by the plant group and one will be completed by the animal group.  Each poster will concentrate on the plants or animals only and their adaptations to the biome.  Posater board will be provided. All groups will present their collected information in the form of posters and summaries and contribute to a web site produced by the class.

Poster Requirements

    Animal posters must include a minimum of 2 mammals, 2 birds,
2 reptiles, 2 amphibians, 2 fish, 2 insects and at least one scene of decomposition. Animals should be numbered so a "Key" can be attached to the poster for easy identification.

    Plant posters must include a minimum of 12 different plant species and at least one scene of decomposition. Plants should be numbered so a "Key" can be attached to the poster for easy identification.

    A typed "Climate" summary and "Description" summary must be attached to posters.  Groups must decide which sub-group will
complete each and one poster will have the "Climate" summary and one will have the "Description" summary.  Additionally, each poster will have a color-coded map with the biome specified.  A map will be provided.

    Each poster should have a title and vinyl peel-and-stick letters will be provided. Additinally, the names of all sub-group members should be written on the poster.

