The Tundra is a cold and dry region. The average temperature is 37
- 54 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer which is very short. Most of
the year the temperatures are below freezing. The average precipitation
is only about 8 inches a year. The precipitation falls in the form
of snow. It is so cold that below the soil it is permanently frozen.
Only the top centimeters are thawed out in the summer. Winters are
long, dark and very windy.
There are two types of Tundra, which are Arctic and Alpine.
The Tundra is a windy and snowy region. Small bushes and flowers
can grow where it is too cold for large trees to grow. These plants grow
low to the ground so they are safe from the wind. Many of them are
flexible and don't break when blown. Alpine plants that grow
above the Timber line, die during the cold season and grow back in the
short summer. Some of the Tundra animals slow down their body processes,
and hibernate through the cold winters.
Tundra Animals | Tundra Plants |